This forthcoming week the project I’m leading will hold an international symposium which brings together leading academics form the USA, Canada, Germany, Denmark, Ireland and Norway.

The research project Popular Music and Gender in a Transcultural Context will host an international symposium on the subject of popular music and gender. The event will take place at the Institute of musicology on June 4th. Two international guests have been invited to give key-note lectures, profesor Will Straw (McGill University) and professor Barbara Bradby (Trinity College). Stan Hawkins and Mats Johansson will also contribute.
On 4 June the symposium will open at the Department of Musicology, University of Oslo, with the following line up:
14.00 Welcome address by Head of Departement, Alexander Refsum Jensenius, and introduction by Project Leader, Stan Hawkins
14.15 Will Straw, Professor of Communications, McGill University Pathways and Patterns: On the National Specificity of Musical Careers
15.30 Stan Hawkins and Mats Johansson, University of Oslo Music in a Transcultural Space: Inscriptions of Representation through Performance
16.45 Barbara Bradby, Associate Professor in Sociology, Trinity College Dublin Growing up to be a Rapper: Justin Bieber’s Duet with Ludacris
The event is open to everyone.